P.O. Box 1453, Ridgetown, Ontario, N0P 2C0
phone cell: 1-519-401-1208 land: 1-519-674-5115
FOB: RIdgetown, Ontario
With over 20 years of direct marine industry leadership experience in service and retail categories Blue-Kote is poised to lead the pack and are here to help you with your protection needs. Since our company launch we have expanded our range of products with quality in mind. To see what we have available please view our products section of www.bluekote.com.
Blue-Kote is available globally through the strong partnerships we maintain. If you are located in Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Dubai, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Turkey or the United Kingdom please order through our exclusive European, Asian and Middle Eastern distribution partner Dr. Shrink. To learn more please click here to learn more about them.